People increasingly love environmentally friendly and ecological solutions. If they are also practical and innovative, all the conditions for an ideal gift are met. The Candledust candles are lovingly handmade, their ingredients are environmentally friendly and recyclable, and they produce minimal residue. Here’s a quick example of how to use them 🙂
You can make a candle base for Candledust from basically anything: for example, use single cups, little bowls, bigger and deeper dishes, heat resistant jars, etc. If you don’t have anything suitable in your home at the moment and a great event is coming, it is worth visiting second-hand shops with an open mind and eyes – you can find incredibly beautiful and unique items in such places and anyway, recycling is fashionable.
Candledust candle’s main advantage, novelty and charm lies in the fact that its owner can create a unique candle that reflects their individual characteristics and preferences. This makes it super easy to customize Candledust to different parties, events, gatherings and interiors. The Candledust candle is an ideal decoration for events that take place both indoors and outdoors.

It is super easy to use Candledust! All you have to do is choose a container that is non-flammable. If you want the container to remain clean, we recommend to use a container that has a diameter of at least 8 cm, that way the melting candle wax will not stick to the container and it is possible to remove hardened candle wax without any trouble! The Candledust tube comes with a small sachet (attached to the cap of the tube) that contains 20 wicks. The burn time of one candlewick is about 8 hours. Open the tube and pour the powder into a container of your choice. Take a wick from the sachet that came with the tube and insert it into the powder. If you have selected a larger container, then you can put more than one wick into it. But keep in mind that adding more wicks will also make the melting diameter bigger because the temperature increases. If you use a lower container and the wick protrudes more than 0.5 cm from the powder, you have to cut the wick shorter (you can also cut the wick in half).
In addition, you can decorate The Candledust candle exactly as you wish! For example, you can add different flowers, figurines, etc. to the powder. There are no limits to your creativity! Once the desired decorations and the wick(s) have been added, all that is left to do is light the candle and enjoy the candle flame! Feel free to let your creativity fly! Do not hesitate to use different containers and interesting decorations!

When extinguishing the candle, be careful not to blow too hard as powder may fly out of the container. If possible, use a convenient candle snuffer to extinguish it.
When relighting the candle, check in advance if there is enough wick left. It’s easy, just lift the hardened part out of the powder and make sure that there is enough wick left. If there is enough wick left, you can add new powder to the candle and then put the hardened candle wax back on the powder, light the candle and enjoy the candle flame.
If the candle wick has burned out, then you have two options: throw away the hardened candle grease or crush it and put it back into the powder candle. If you want to extend the burn time of the candle, we recommend to crush the candle wax, put it back into the powder candle and then add new powder on top of it and insert a new wick and a new candle is ready for use! It’s all super easy!
The second option is even easier if the wick has burned out, just take the hardened candle wax and throw it away. Pour a new powder candle on top of the powder, insert a wick and light it!
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