Privacy Policy

TheCandledust undertakes to protect the privacy of its customers and users. Therefore, we have prepared these Privacy Policy principles that govern the collection, use, disclosure, transmission, and storage of customer data. Our online operations comply with all relevant practices as well as respective EU legislation and laws of the Republic of Estonia. Please take a moment and review the principles we apply to privacy.

Collection and use of personal data

Personal data means any data that can be directly or indirectly associated with you as an individual and is collected and processed by TheCandledust in order to fulfil contracts concluded with natural persons, contact them, and perform obligations in adherence to the law.
Personal data of loyal customers can be collected in any of the following ways:
• when you give us your contact information (incl. your name, personal ID code, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, preferred method of communication) on our website or otherwise (e.g. in our stores);
• when you use our website, data is collected through your account or through cookies;
• when you make a purchase or place an order in our store or e-store and store your personal contact information or purchasing preferences (in certain sections of the website TheCandledust may ask you to voluntarily provide your personal data and personal information. Such personal data may include your name, address, postal code, e-mail address, telephone number, and other data);
• when you apply for hire-purchase.

Collection of other data

We also collect non-personal data, i.e. data that cannot be directly linked to a particular individual (gender, age, language preference, location).We may also collect data of general nature about how our customers interact with our e-stores and website. This data is combined and used to provide customers with information that is more useful for them, and to learn about which parts of the website, products, and services attract the most interest. In this Privacy Policy such combined data are regarded as non-personalized data.

Use and storage of collected personal data

We can use any personal data we have collected to display for customers TheCandledust’s product news, campaigns, and upcoming events. Customers who wish to opt out from our newsletter mailing list, or do not wish to receive information about products that might interest them may unsubscribe from the mailing lists at any time. We also use personal data that we collect to deliver goods and to fulfil obligations that we may have assumed towards the customer.
By agreeing with the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, the customer gives TheCandledust their consent for automated processing of their data. You may revoke your consent at any time on our website, or by sending us a request in a format reproducible in writing. Such requests and consents do not have retroactive effect.
To ensure better customer service, TheCandledust may disclose information about individual users to a third party that provides services to TheCandledust and is contractually bound to keeping any shared information confidential. Such third party may, for instance, be our partner whose duty is to deliver goods sold in our e-store or a provider of hire-purchase services. TheCandledust stores all of a customer’s personal data until the loyal customer contract expires. Data that TheCandledust must store pursuant to the law (e.g. accounting data) is stored by TheCandledust in accordance with relevant legislative provisions.

Alterations to personal data

Customers can see, alter, and supplement their personal data, collected for the purpose of identification and communication with them, on our website under “My Data”. Should the change involve your e-mail address (your TheCandledust website username), you are kindly asked to notify us thereof as customers cannot change their e-mail address themselves.

Security of personal data

TheCandledust takes all precautions (incl. administrative, technical, and physical measures) to protect customers’ personal data. Only authorized persons have access to personal data for making alterations and processing the same. If you suspect that your personal data is treated contrary to what is described in this Privacy Policy or if there is any risk that your data has leaked to unauthorized parties, please notify us immediately. This is the only way that allows us to minimize any potential damages.

Customers have the right to demand termination of processing of their data, inquire about ways in which their data is used, and request that their data be transmitted in a commonly used format either to themselves or to a third party. In order to avoid misuse of customer data and rights, such requests may only be submitted in a format that makes it possible to identify the person submitting the request (signed digitally or personally at the company’s office). We have the right to respond to such requests within 30 days. We regard a request to terminate processing of data as a request to terminate the loyal customer contract.


Any personal data that you provide while visiting and shopping in TheCandledust’s e-store is considered confidential information. Use of encrypted data transmission channels with banks guarantees that buyers’ personal data and bank particulars are protected

Terms and conditions of and amendments to Privacy Policy

By commencing use of our website or completing the loyal customer application you confirm that you have read these principles and relevant terms and conditions and agree to them. We reserve the right to amend the general terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy if necessary by notifying all loyal customers thereof; however, we take all possible measures to ensure that our Privacy Policy is kept updated and available to you on our website. The controller in charge of processing customers’ personal data is Antista AS. If you have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy or data processing, do not hesitate to contact us at
You may always contact the Republic of Estonia Data Protection Inspectorate or a court of law to protect your personal data. The Data Protection Inspectorate is a national authority that may also be contacted for advice or assistance in matters concerning protection of personal data.